Planed and stress graded timber

C-24 / 30 / 35

Stress class C24 standard sizes are:

48×98 / 48×123 / 48×148 / 48×173 / 48×198 / 48×223 / 48×245

Stres classes C30 ja C35 standard sizes are: 42×98 / 42×123 / 42×148/ 42×173 / 42×198

Ask other sizes !

Planed logs

For log houses we make profile according customers spesification

Massiv logprofiles we make out of our own rawmaterial

Profiled timber

We make profiled timber for industrial customers according their spesification.


Esa Luukkainen

Sales Manager sawn and planed Export and Domestic

+358 500 278 824

Toni Lauronen

Factory manager and local sales at Kovero factory

+358 400 623 965